数据工程与知识工程教育部重点实验室邀请德国多特蒙德大学计算机系E.-E Doberkat教授3月7号-14号来实验室访问,并将于3月10日下午15:00-16:30在信息楼四层学术报告厅做题为《关于数据结构,算法和编程课程的教学设计和实现》的学术报告。E.-E Doberkat教授是该系软件技术责任教授,他的主要研究兴趣包括随机关系,软件工程,计算机教育,算法分析,马尔科夫系统,数理逻辑。他发表了100篇学术论文, 出版了9本学术著作。他最近的专著是欧洲理论计算机协会主办(EATCS)的理论计算机系列丛书之一Stochastic Coalgebraic Logic(Springer,2009).  详细的情况请见如下英文介绍。
Biographical Sketch:
Diploma in mathematics with a minor in philosophy from the University of Bochum, 1973. Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics 1976 from the University of Paderborn, venia legendi (Habilitation) in computer science 1980 from the University of Hagen. 1981 - 1985 associate professor of mathematics and computer science at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY; 1985 - 1993 full professorships for computer science at the universities of Hildesheim and of Essen, since 1993 full professor and chair of software technology, 2008 adjunct professor of mathematics at the University of Dortmund.
Academic offices include: chairman of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Essen; CEO of Informatik Centrum Dortmund, the technology transfer company of the University of Dortmund; deputy dean for finance and infrastructure of the Department of Computer Science; chairman of the State Commission on Multimedia in University Teaching; head of the Department’s committee on teaching.
Author or coauthor of ca. 100 technical papers in the areas of software engineering, computer science education, analysis of algorithms, Markov transition systems, categories, modal and coalgebraic logic; author or coauthors of nine books (programming, mathematics of computer science), the last one being Stochastic Coalgebraic Logic in the EATCS Series on Theoretical Computer Science (Springer, 2009).